PlusPlus Capital: Update-Call zur Unternehmens-Reorganisation am 8. März um 10 Uhr

Mittwoch, 6. März 2024

Pressemitteilung der PlusPlus Capital Financial S.à.r.l.:

PlusPlus Capital reports on reorganization progress

Invitation to update call on 8 March 2024

PlusPlus Capital (“PPC”), a leading pan-Baltic and Finnish technology-driven receivables management group, reports on progress of its reorganization.

Update Call:

PlusPlus Capital cordially invites investors and analysts to an update call with the Management Board on 8 March 2024, 10.00 CET.

The Management Board will comment on the progress of the reorganization by means of a webcast presentation. The update call will be held in English and will be recorded.

Please register in time to participate in the update call at:

PlusPlus Capital – Update Call Reorganization.

PlusPlus Capital Financial S.à.r.l.


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