PlusPlus Capital: Anleihegläubiger unterstützen Restrukturierungsplan

Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2024

Pressemitteilung der PlusPlus Capital Financial S.à.r.l.:

PlusPlus Capital bondholders broadly support reorganization plan

PlusPlus Capital (“PPC”), a leading pan-Baltic and Finnish technology-driven receivables management group, received broad support from its bondholders for the proposed reorganization plan of its fully owned subsidiary PlusPlus Capital Financial S.à r.l.

With a participation rate of approximately 89% of the outstanding principal, the participating bondholders with approximately 94% almost unanimously supported the reorganization plan.

Following the successful bondholder meeting on Friday, 12 July 2024, the Company filed the reorganization plan with the court on 16 July 2024. The hearing for the court’s ruling on the proceedings of the reorganization plan is expected to take place on 6 August 2024.

PlusPlus Capital will inform about the ruling of the Luxembourg court on the reorganization process of PlusPlus Capital Financial S.à r.l. in due course.

PlusPlus Capital Financial S.à.r.l.


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